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How much sand and stones are produced from a ton of raw stone


There is no absolute answer, because the types of stone are different, the physical and chemical properties are uncertain, and the sand yield is of course different. Besides, although they are all processed stones, the capacity varies with different particle sizes of stones, so the answer to the question that how much sand and stones are produced from a ton of raw stone is also an approximate range.

What stone breaking machines are needed for sand and stone crushing production lines?

Among the factors that affect the capacity, the configuration of sand and gravel equipment and the machine operation condition will directly affect the stone production line capacity, and the relative user benefits will also be different.

The equipment configuration of the sand and gravel processing production line is very diversified. Choose and match different types of stone-breaking machines, you can achieve a production line to simultaneously produce different specifications of stones and sand materials. Let’s take the common river stones in the industry as an example and see what stone crushing machines are used in the sand and stone processing production line. Case introduction of river stone production line with sand and stone

Discharge specifications: 0-10, 10-20, 20-40mm

Processing capacity: 200T/H

Configuration equipment: jaw crusher + cone crusher + sand washing machine + other auxiliary equipment

The production line is still mainly for processing stone materials, and simultaneously produces sand below 10mm. If you want to process fine sand below 5mm, you can introduce an vertical shaft impact crusher (sand making machine) for fine sand making.

The whole production line is based on the work configuration of more breaking and less grinding, which reduces operating costs and increases the material yield. Moreover, because the hardness of the river pebbles is not very low, the configuration of the crusher tends to have large crushing force and high pressure resistance. The investment is relatively high, but compared with the impact crushing machine, the later cost is lower and the material rate is higher. In order to improve the cleanliness of sand, the production line is equipped with sand washing machine, which can clean the stone powder and impurities in the material, and the quality of the material is better, so that to meet the material standards of high-level infrastructure projects.

In addition, the difficulty of material handling and the requirements for finished materials will directly affect the cost of equipment configuration. The greater the hardness of the material, the finer the output, and the higher the equipment configuration, the more expensive the cost.

And there are more than these kinds of crushing machines for processing sand and gravel. Small scale production lines of tens of tons, and more cost-effective model configurations. In the graded crushing scheme, according to the nature of the material, the manufacturer can also choose different crushing equipment for you.

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